VR Smart Grid – multifunctional trading strategy


Staff member
Jan 2, 2025
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logo.webpVR Smart Grid is a Smart Trading Expert Advisor capable of closing many market positions in batches with small profits. Closing in small batches allows loss-making positions to be reduced quickly and efficiently. The advisor's algorithm features several well-thought-out trading strategies. The main trading strategy is based on building a network of positions and closing positions in small batches for a given profit. The advisor analyses market positions and divides their lots into batches; it calculates the minimum average price to close a part of the positions. With this approach, the average price is as close to the current market price as possible, and a small fluctuation in price leads to the closure of the calculated part of the positions.

🔴🔴🔴 Updating the VR SMART GRID shopping robot to version 25.030
📌 Fixed parameter of manual input of distances.
🔥 You should load the market in which they made payment!
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An update to version 25.xxx is being prepared
Much work has already been done to introduce modern functions and technologies.

Added the ability to select lot calculations
  • Standard lot
  • Interest lot
  • Total lot depending on the balance amount

Suggestions are welcome...
Hi Voldemar
Thanks for the great EA, I have been using it for a year now and I gained a good profits. (even though I am stuck now in some pairs due to US election 😅 , but I am sure I will be able to fix it soon 🤲 )

Since you said: "Suggestions are welcome", allow me to add some suggestions:

  1. Hedging ability: the EA should be able to hedge 100% of the opened positions. All future actions should be stopped immediately and all current pending actions must be deleted (including the already set TP/SL) until the button is pressed again. it could be:
    • Immediate hedge: like a "panic button" in the control panel, just with one click.
    • Account hedge: set a level (percentage of the balance or fixed amount) when reached the EA will hedge all the pairs.
    • Pair hedge: set a level (percentage of the balance or fixed amount) when reached the EA will hedge.
    • Pair price level hedge: specified price level when reached will activate the hedge functionality.
  2. Pair Exposure: adding the exposure to the panel where the user can see the (total lot Buy, total lot sell, the difference between buy and sell, P/L)
  3. Auto Settings Saving: the EA could auto save the entered setting in a predefined folder (with the name include account number_pair_date) in order not to lose the setting if the terminal crashed and to be able to review the used conditions in the future reviews if needed .
  4. Time Frame: specify the required time frame inside the EA settings instead of using the one used in the Metatrader chart window.
  5. Alerts : a minimum ability of alerts should be added, like having a telegram/email notification when the equity reaches certain percentage/amount.
  6. Panel size: the user should be able to control the size of the panel (I never was able to see the full panel! :cry:) I think it changed depending on the screen resolution or the VPS settings or something else!
  7. Data validation: the EA could send a warning to protect the user from typos, like a warning if the entered lot exceeds 1 lot.
  8. Smooth Stop Option: When the user select "smooth .. Stop" as "type of trading order", the EA should automatically change the "EA actions after closing all positions" to "Full trading stop"

Hedging ability: the EA should be able to hedge 100% of the opened positions. All future actions should be stopped immediately and all current pending actions must be deleted (including the already set TP/SL) until the button is pressed again. it could be:
  • Immediate hedge: like a "panic button" in the control panel, just with one click.
  • Account hedge: set a level (percentage of the balance or fixed amount) when reached the EA will hedge all the pairs.
  • Pair hedge: set a level (percentage of the balance or fixed amount) when reached the EA will hedge.
  • Pair price level hedge: specified price level when reached will activate the hedge functionality.
Good idea, but what to do with the lock later?

Pair Exposure: adding the exposure to the panel where the user can see the (total lot Buy, total lot sell, the difference between buy and sell, P/L)
Will be done

Auto Settings Saving: the EA could auto save the entered setting in a predefined folder (with the name include account number_pair_date) in order not to lose the setting if the terminal crashed and to be able to review the used conditions in the future reviews if needed .
This can be done now using standard terminal tools.

Time Frame: specify the required time frame inside the EA settings instead of using the one used in the Metatrader chart window.
Will be done

Alerts : a minimum ability of alerts should be added, like having a telegram/email notification when the equity reaches certain percentage/amount.
Will be done

Panel size: the user should be able to control the size of the panel (I never was able to see the full panel! :cry:) I think it changed depending on the screen resolution or the VPS settings or something else!
Will be done

Data validation: the EA could send a warning to protect the user from typos, like a warning if the entered lot exceeds 1 lot.
Will be done

Smooth Stop Option: When the user select "smooth .. Stop" as "type of trading order", the EA should automatically change the "EA actions after closing all positions" to "Full trading stop"
Will be done
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Reactions: Nas
The new version is 70% ready, the first beta versions for testing will be posted here. Beta versions will be only for MetaTrader 5.

A very big problem is that the old versions already work for many traders, traders have mastered them and are trading calmly.
I have already received negative feedback for rolling out updates and many had to adapt to new versions again.
Therefore, there is a very big question about whether to do this as an update or as a separate robot.

Also, frequent correction of errors that can cause losses leads to changes in the logic of work.
So now think about whether to fix it or not :unsure:
1. Averaging method, smart choice, can add different TP for Min Max and Max Pre Max..
Min Max for reducing DD
Max Pre Max for taking profit
See the buy position..using manual lot...green one is Min Max, rest is Max Pre Max

2. News Filter
Good idea, but what to do with the lock later?
The idea is to avoid the total account losing during the news (i.e. US elections).
What I do, wait until the news effect is finish and:
1- If the hedge is <50% from the equity and the market went against my transactions, I will just unlock the transactions and reactivate the EA to continue normally (with a bigger equity/profit💸). If the market went with my transactions, I will manage the opened trades manually to gradually close them.
2- If the hedge is >80%, I will fund the suffered account from another account that did not suffer from the news (different pairs) and do what I mentioned in point number 1.

This is just my humble/simple practice and it is working .. so far😅

This can be done now using standard terminal tools.
I really wish to know how I can do this .. I am doing it manually now :cry:
I will seek your help through Telegram if this is OK.

Beta version 25.011 from 01/29/2025 will work until 2025-02-28 00:00:00

sinput string iI = "< = Lot Calculation Settings = >"; // < --- I --- >
input ENUM_TYPE_CALC_LOTS iLotsCalc = lFixed; // Lot calculation type
input double iLotsValue = 0.01; // Value (Lot, Percent, Balance)
input string iLotsManual = ""; // Manual lots, separator ; Example: 0.01;0.05;0.02;0.04
input ENUM_TYPE_LOTS iLotsType = lMartingale; // Type of automatic lot calculation
input double iMultiplier = 2.0; // Lot Multiplier
sinput double iLotsMaximalBuy = 0; // Maximal lot to buy
sinput double iLotsMaximalSel = 0; // Maximal lot to sell
sinput string iII = "< = Order Step Settings = >"; // < --- II --- >
input ENUM_TYPE_DISTANCE iDistanceType = dPercent; // Type of distinction of the distance
input double iDistanceValue = 0.25; // 4/5 Value (Point, Percent, Indicator period)
input int iDistanceStep = 0; // 4/5 Increment of the step between positions
sinput string iDistanceManual = ""; // Manual step sequence, separator ; Example: 50;100;80;30
sinput string iIII = "< Trading Time Settings >"; // < --- III --- >
input ENUM_NEW_BAR iNewBarTime = Period_H1; // New Bar (Select the timeframe for the New Bar)
sinput ENUM_ONOFF iWorkTimeIntraday = Off; // Expert's working hours
sinput string iTradeStart = "hh:mm:ss"; // Stopping time of opening new positions
sinput string iTradeFinish = "hh:mm:ss"; // Starting time of opening new positions
sinput string iIV = "< Trading Settings >"; // < --- IV --- >
sinput ENUM_TRADE iTypeTrade = All; // Types of trading orders
sinput int iMaximalOrdersBuy = 0; // Maximal number of buy positions
sinput int iMaximalOrdersSell = 0; // Maximal number of sell positions
sinput string iV = "< = MM Settings = >"; // < --- V --- >
input double iBalanceProfit = 0; // Close all positions with profit (50 or -30) (0 - Disable)
input ENUM_STOP_TRADE iStopTrade = Full_Trading_Stop; // Expert actions after closing all positions
sinput string iVI = "< = Averaging = >"; // < --- VI --- >
input ENUM_TYPE_AVERAGING iAveragingType = Smart; // Averaging Type
input double iAveragingClose = 40; // Position closing percent
input int iMinimalProfit = 30; // 4/5 Minimal profit of closing positions in points
sinput string iVII = "< = Trailing Trend= >"; // < --- IV --- >
input ENUM_TYPE_TRAILING iTrailingTrendType = Classical; // Trend Trailing Type
input int iTrailingTrendSize = 150; // * Trend Potential trend size (points) (0 – disable)
input double iTrailingTrendFix = 90; // Trend Maximum % Trailing Stop (For Dynamic Trailing)
sinput string iVIII = "< = Trailing Anti Trend= >"; // < --- VIII --- >
input ENUM_TYPE_TRAILING iTrailingTrendTypeA = Manual; // Type of trailing against the trend
input int iTrailingTrendSizeA = 150; // * Trend Potential trend size (points) (0 – disable)
input double iTrailingTrendFixA = 90; // Trend Maximum % Trailing Stop (For Dynamic Trailing)
sinput string iIX = "< Strategy Settings >"; // < --- IX --- >
input ENUM_SIGNAL iIndicatorsSignal = NoSignal; // Trading strategy type
input ENUM_ONOFF iSignalAll = Off; // Apply the signal to all positions ?
input int iPeriod_1 = 24; // Period 1: Donchian, CCI, Ma1
input int iPeriod_2 = 48; // Period 2: Ma2
sinput string iX = "< = Other settings = >"; // < --- X --- >
sinput int iMagicNumber = 227; // Magic Number
sinput int iSlippage = 30; // * Slippage (Points)
sinput string iComment = ":eaname: :magic:"; // Commentary on positions
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🔴🔴🔴 Updating the VR SMART GRID shopping robot to version 25.024
📌 Fixed work trailing foot in virtual mode of operation.
📌 Partial closure of positions in virtual mode has been fixed.
📌 I recommend updating my version.
🔥 You should load the market in which they made payment!
Sets for Smart Grid 25.024 EN.


The sets are set simultaneously and work in pairs 4 sets 4 graphics 4 Smart Grid.

The recommended depot is 10,000.

Stop 2500 or sell or buy.

corrected it

Set Updates

Set Updates

VR SmartGrid operating settings:
Parameter - Minimum profit for closing positions:
AUDCAD buy - 200
AUDCAD sell - 170
AUDNZD buy - 50
AUDNZD sell - 40

In order to close the network as quickly as possible, you need to manually change the parameter - "Minimum profit for closing positions".

If the drawdown has reached more than 5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ units, then change the "Minimum profit for closing positions" parameter to "1️⃣". As soon as the network is closed, we change it back to the operating numbers that are higher than👆.


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